Follow this page for announcements pertaining to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and East Somerset Church activities and response
ESBC Covid-19 Response and Status
March 4, 2022
We are thankful to the Lord for His continued blessings and provisions during the Covid-19 challenge. No one could have guessed the journey would be this long and challenging, but our God knew. He provided for every need and walked with us every step of the way. It isn’t over and we will undoubtedly face new issues. God and His amazing grace is more than sufficient for every need today and for our every tomorrow.
We also thank God for our church family. Through the uncertainties, challenges and even losses, our people have been a blessing. They have prayed. They have worshipped as best they were able. They have supported. They have served. We pray for and praise God for them.
So, Where Are We Now?
The main things will always be the main things.
We exist to honor and glorify our Lord.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is still the power of God unto salvation.
Our mission to take His gospel and “Go…” into all the world hasn’t changed and we are doing it.
Our ministry to the church and ministry as His church for the world continues.
Throughout the last couple of years, we have prayerfully sought to demonstrate our love for the Lord and for people as we have ministered. At the same time, we have worked diligently to humble ourselves and honor our governmental authorities. Lord willing, we will continue to do so.
Covid-19 has not gone away though we have made great progress and continue to learn more. We encourage caution, common sense and extending Christian courtesy to all.
Please know, as you and your family attend East Somerset, we are actively monitoring the latest developments in order to make East Somerset as safe a place a possible.
Currently, we are under no mandates. Masks are not required and there are no restrictions as to capacity or distance. At the same time, we encourage everyone to exercise proper precautions.
Sanitizing stations are available through the church as well as masks for those who need them.
New, high-end air UV/filter systems have been installed throughout the facility. The air is being processed at all times to help provide a safe environment.
We have returned to full Sunday morning and Wednesday night worship and programs.
Sunday Morning:
Connect, our Sunday School small group classes for all ages, begins at 9:30AM every Sunday morning.
Morning worship and Eastkids are at 10:30am.
Online Worship: For travelers and those who are unable to join us in person, we provide Online Sunday AM Worship which is streamed live from the in-person service.
Sunday Night: We do not have scheduled services or programs Sunday evenings.
We hope that our people will use the time to breath, spend time with family and prepare for the coming week.
Plans are underway to offer small groups and special Sunday night opportunities in the fall.
Wednesday Nights:
EastKids Clubs begins at 6:30 (running concurrent with the Pulaski School calendar)
Student ministries Clear/Evo are at 7:00
Sanctuary Bible study is at 7:00
If you have questions, please contact one of our staff or the church office.
We will provide further updates as available and appropriate.
What You Can Do!
1. Pray. That is something that we can all do. It is not just a good thing; it is absolutely essential. Every single one of you can do this and know that it will change things as well as change our perspective. Parents, help your children to pray and let them know how important their prayers really are. Please pray for –
· Us, your church ministry staff and servant leaders
· Each other
· Our church families
· Our community and neighbors
· Our leaders
· Our scientists, doctors, responders
· Our world. They need Jesus. This is a rare opportunity to love Him and them… To let them see in us that He is real!
2. Take care of yourself and family. Listen to the recommendations. Do what you can to stay safe and avoid becoming a part of the problem if possible.
3. Stay connected.
· Through our church website-
· Through Livestream Worship –
· Through Facebook and other Social media
· Make sure you are on our email and text lists. If you haven’t received anything send your information to
4. Serve. Be aware of those around you and offer to help as able. We are needed more than ever. Just look for the opportunity to be a blessing. If you are able and willing, call the church office and ask to be added to our “Volunteer Help” list
5. Give. It has never been needed more and never have the stakes been higher. See the section above.
6. Grow. God is doing something in the world and in your life. Be aware. Ask Him to guide you. Teach you. Grow you. There is always His purpose behind every pain. Don’t miss it for the world! We will come through better people because of Jesus!
Thank you. I love and appreciate each of you. I am praying for you. Our Savior is with us and in us. All will be ok.
-Bro. Darvie