

East Somerset’s Clear High School Ministry is designed to help high school students develop into more fully devoted followers of Jesus.   We have purposefully designed the program to be both “deep” (engaging and challenging for students who are walking with Jesus) and “wide” (attractional in style and content for those who are exploring faith).   We lead with and are upfront about the good news of Jesus.  We believe that He is the answer for which all of humanity is ultimately searching.  We center all of our teaching around this reality.  In a given school year we will engage a variety of topics and issues relevant to teenagers but it will always be from a gospel-centered perspective of mercy, grace and love.     

We have several connection points for students to engage: 

The Clear worship gathering is a modern worship gathering that meets Wednesday nights at 6:45 until October 12th when we will move the service to Sunday nights at 6pm.  Clear provides a relevant gathering of high school and college students, where they can worship, learn, and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.  Even though ESBC weekend services are relevant to people of all ages, high school and college students desire to have a gathering completely of their own.  They desire individuality and want a place they can gather and have community.  Clear will provide this environment for students. 

Clear Groups - We believe in creating environments where authentic relationships can flourish.  This is crucial because community of believers is a catalyst for spiritual growth for all of us.  Our primary outlet for this is our Clear Groups which meet each Sunday Morning at 9:30am.  Life Groups are a vital part of our ministry.  It is here where students are separated typically by age groups of 8-10 and are lead by one of our student leaders.  They will engage scripture and participate in discussions designed to help them better understand how to live the gospel in all of life’s situations.

Big Events. -  These large events will happen periodically throughout the year.  These will be events such as Passion Conference, Spring Breakaway, VBS, Student Life Camp, or retreats.  The purpose of these events are to provide a fun environment for students to engage with God, deepen their faith, invite friends, and enjoy a sense of community.  Each event has either been carefully chosen or designed to be more than just “fun” but to challenge students to worship Jesus more fully and consistently. 

Leadership Development- We believe that everyone who knows Jesus as Savior and Lord is called to make disciples and share the gospel.  Therefore, we are intentional about giving students ownership of ministry and training them to turn their passions into Kingdom building pursuits.  We are intentional to take every opportunity to connect our lives to the work of the gospel.  We take the phrase, “in all things, Jesus” very serious. 

We believe the best way to instill this is for us to serve together.  At East Somerset we practice team ministry and our student ministry is no different.  We depend on our students for Clear Group leadership, VBS Team Leaders,  musicians, Camp Counselors.  There are numerous opportunities for students to serve and grow in ministry roles.  This is key to our churches vision of being about Kingdom business and disciple making rather than inward focused.